Off-The-Grid Sound System Assembled
[![The 600 Watt DC Power Amp from Parts Express]( "The 600 Watt DC Power Amp from Parts Express")]( 600 Watt DC Power Amp from Parts Express
Ok so it’s the 101 version, but Eric Van Iderstine and John Butler AKA Noggin assembled the components last night. Thanks to Puffin Foundation and Puffin West Foundation again and a new contribution from the McKenzie Family! System Debut’s tomorrow at the Long Hollow Equinox Festival !
[![Bank of 100Amp AGM batteries from Safe-Start in Long Hollow]( "Bank of 100Amp AGM batteries from Safe-Start in Long Hollow")]([![Noggin on the Bike Rockin' a Kilt]( "Noggin on the Bike Rockin' a Kilt")]( on the Bike Rockin' a Kilt [![IT BUMPS! Through Ric Kindles (Greater Good Fest) Speakers]( "IT BUMPS! Through Ric Kindles (Greater Good Fest) Speakers")]( BUMPS! Through Ric Kindles (Greater Good Fest) Speakers [![Eric Assembles the Charger Box from ASE Power.]( "Eric Assembles the Charger Box from ASE Power.")]( Assembles the Charger Box from ASE Power.