So this time there are two new elements to the Hymnal.
It’s fairly easy to make a single sheet or even songbook a custom size:
#(set! paper-alist (cons '("my size" . (cons (* 5.5 in) (* 8 in))) paper-alist))
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "my size")
And this can be included in a text document:
Documents for \verb+lilypond-book+ may freely mix music and text.
For example,
\relative c' {
c2 e2 \tuplet 3/2 { f8 a b } a2 e4
Options are put in brackets.
c'4 f16
Larger examples can be put into a separate file, and introduced with
(If needed, replace @file{} by any @file{.ly} file
you put in the same directory as this file.)
Supposedly there’s a tutorial here, but the link is broken. There is the main Open LilyLib site.
This repository looks like it’s exactly what I need, but it’s a few years without update and not terribly well documented. It also appears to be unfinished.
I cloned to repository and am trying to compile one of the LateX files in it’s documentation directory:
gives the error that the code is requiring the package, musicexamplesStyles, when what is available is musicexamplesStyles (singular). So I updated that code to: \usepackage{musicexamplesStyle}
Then it was looking for a file called musicexamples.sty
. I see one called musicexamplesStyles.sty
in the directory with the tex
file so copying it to musicexamples.sty
. Now am getting an error that it’s looking for a native Linux Font: Linux Libertine 0, which is not found on this OS X machine. Neither can “Linus Biolinum 0”, “Inconsolata”.
There’s a program that came with LaTeX called Tex Live, that doesn’t seem to be working, but there’s also a program in there called FixMacTex, which I am running now, and supposedly will fix some issues.
Wait. The musicexampleStyles docs say
The main requirement to make use of the present material is to make the \package{musicexamples} package available to your \LaTeX{} distribution.
If you have obtained \package{musicexamples} as an archived download archive you may just unpack it into a folder inside your \dir{texmf/tex/latex} directory.
Depending on your (operating and \LaTeX) system you may have to run \env{texhash} afterwards.
If you aren't sure what this means, please consult your \LaTeX{} documentation or a book.
Seems to be an issue with TexLive, which I’m guessing is like a package manager for TeX/LaTeX. Looks like my version of LaTeX is out of date so dowlnoading the 2 GigaByte newer version. In the meantime I do have texhash
installed. It’s a small database that keeps track of all the locations of various TeX files.
which texhash
Will try running it.
$ texhash
texhash: /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-config: directory not writable. Skipping...
texhash: /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist: directory not writable. Skipping...
texhash: /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var: directory not writable. Skipping...
texhash: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local: directory not writable. Skipping...
texhash: Done.
mikekilmer@jamaaladeen-2:~/Documents/Vault/Hymnal/musicexamples/documentation$ sudo !!
sudo texhash
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-config/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/ls-R...
texhash: Done.
Hmmm. Same errors. Maybe this repository won’t be the best route at the moment.
This looks promising:
Not sure, but the LaTeX booklet posts I’m seeing refer to sizes A4, A5, A6
. This posting seems to offer some useful information:
\usepackage{lipsum} % this package is for creating filler text
\title{The booklet}
and if the above was saved as filler.tex
\title{The booklet}
So if that’s going to be the method for now, the only big piece of the puzzle is determining margin and/or page sizes on the lilypond-book
While searching for that, I came across this post inf which someone asks if it’s possible to run lilypond and LaTeX as one a single command. Apparently a library called arara
is the key, which seems to require a Java runtime environment, Downloading Java JDE now.
Meanwhile the latest LaTeX is 20% downloaded. JDE installed and now:
__ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _
/ _` | '__/ _` | '__/ _` |
| (_| | | | (_| | | | (_| |
\__,_|_| \__,_|_| \__,_|
arara 3.0 - The cool TeX automation tool
Copyright (c) 2012, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
All rights reserved.
usage: arara [file [--log] [--verbose] [--timeout N] [--language L] |
--help | --version]
-h,--help print the help message
-l,--log generate a log output
-L,--language <arg> set the application language
-t,--timeout <arg> set the execution timeout (in milliseconds)
-V,--version print the application version
-v,--verbose print the command output
I read the really fun (really!) manual and finally posted on Stack Exchange, eventually sending an email to the awesome developer of Arara (Paulo, noted above) and got it worked out. The problem was simply that I was using the .yml
(shortened) extension, while Arara (version 3.0) is looking for the full .yaml
Getting closer and closer to the (simple) formula that will get this Hymnal properly formatted with some help from this Stack Exchange answer.
The current test scripts look like this:
First just a simple test A5 TeX document (test.tex
Documents for \verb+lilypond-book+ may freely mix music and text.
For example,
(If needed, replace @file{} by any @file{.ly} file
you put in the same directory as this file.)
Good. Our song file (
\version "2.19.45"
\header {
title = "Gayatri Mantra"
author = "anonymous"
composer = "Music by Rivka and Mike iLL"
tagline = "Copyright Rivka and Mike iLL Kilmer Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial BMI - Engraving by Lilypond"
#(set! paper-alist (cons '("hymnal" . (cons (* 5.5 in) (* 8 in))) paper-alist))
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "hymnal")
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
print-page-number = ##f
melody = \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key d \major
\time 4/4
\set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 4/4)
\new Voice = "words" {
g4( a) a2 | g8( a4) a8 a4 a | g8( a4.) a4 a | g8( a4) a4. cis4 | % Om bur ... maha
g8( a4) a8 a4 a | g8( a4) a8 a4 a | g8( a4.) a4 r | a8( bes)~ bes2. | % Om sawaha... sat yam
a4 a8-> r8 \times 2/3 { a4 a8 } g4 | a bes g2 | a4 \times 2/3 { a4 a8 } a4 g | a bes g2 | % Om tat savitur ... dimahi
\times 2/3 { g4( a) a } \times 2/3 { a a a } | \times 2/3 { a a a } a4 r \bar "|." % Dhi yo yo... prachodhayat
text = \lyricmode {
Om bhur | Om bhu -- ga -- ha | Om swa -- ha | Om ma -- ha |
Om ja -- na -- ha | Om ta -- pa -- ha | Om sat | yam |
Om tat sa -- vi -- tur | bar -- vi -- nam | Bhar -- go de -- va -- sya | Dhi -- ma -- hi |
Dhi -- yo yo -- na -- ha | pra -- cho -- dha -- yat |
twochords = \chordmode { a1 | g:m | }
harmonies = {
\twochords \twochords
\twochords \twochords
\twochords \twochords
\score {
\new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\new Staff \with { \magnifyStaff #5/7 } {
\new Voice = "one" { \melody }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "words" \text
\layout {
% #(layout-set-staff-size 14)
\midi { }
Being referenced by song.lytex
Documents for \verb+lilypond-book+ may freely mix music and text.
For example,
\relative c' {
c2 e2 \tuplet 3/2 { f8 a b } a2 e4
Options are put in brackets.
c'4 f16
Larger examples can be put into a separate file, and introduced with
(If needed, replace @file{} by any @file{.ly} file
you put in the same directory as this file.)
The terminal commands are:
lilypond-book --output=out --pdf song.lytex
This creates a directory called out
, inside of which we need to run the command:
pdflatex song.tex
Then finally open song.pdf
. Still some margin issues. Then Need to work on using Arara in the workflow.
Close! Removing the following paper settings from the included
file helped. Now just need to reduce the margins in the outer document.
#(set! paper-alist (cons '("hymnal" . (cons (* 5.5 in) (* 8 in))) paper-alist))
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "hymnal")
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
print-page-number = ##f
That’s it! Just needed to update following setting (second line, in this case) in song.lytex
Meanwhile, Mom did proofreading on the first Hymnal, and offered to help on this one too, but I realized that probably the main reason lilypond creates midi files is so you can use your own ears to proof the writing. How do you play midi files on OS X? Quicktime Player 7 (and old version) seems to be the answer.
To make Quicktime 7 open the files from the command line I add this to ~/.bashrc
(then run source ~/.bashrc
#play midi files using Quicktime 7
alias midi="open -a /Applications/Utilities/QuickTime\ Player\"
Of note ~/.bash_profile
contains the following directive:
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
Now I need to set a tempo in lilypond, I guess ’cause DAMN is that file playing slowly.
Simple answer: \tempo 4 = 125
At the moment the process for viewing updates:
rm -rf out
lilypond-book --output=out --pdf hymnal.lytex
cd out && pdflatex hymnal.tex
pdflatex hymnal.tex # have to run it a second time to generate the Table of Contents.
open hymnal.pdf
cd ../